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How to Tie Butterfly Knots: A Visual Tutorial

Content from: BeAlive in 45


It’s time to learn about the true gem of knots for anyone who loves the great outdoors: the Butterfly Knot. Whether you’re scaling cliffs, navigating through canyons, or setting up a secure campsite, the Butterfly Knot is your go-to for creating a strong, stable loop in the middle of a rope, without needing to access the ends. We’re breaking down how to tie a Butterfly Knot step-by-step and exploring all the activities you can undertake relying on this one knot.

INSTRUCTIONS - How to tie a Butterfly Knot in 4 Steps

1. Make a loop

2. Make the loop into an ‘8’

3. Fold the upper loop down and pass through the loop

4. Pull all the way up to tighten the knot

Step by step moving gif that teaches a Butterfly Knot

The top 4 advantages of using butterfly knots

  1. Non-Slip: This knot isn’t going anywhere once you’ve got it set right. The Butterfly Knot doesn’t slip easily, which means you can trust it to hold whether you’re hanging from a cliff, securing a kayak, or anchoring a tent in inclement weather.
  2. Easy to Adjust and Undo: After a long day, the last thing you need is a wrestling match with your knots. The Butterfly Knot is a breeze to untie, even if it has been loaded, allowing for effortless adjustments. This means less time fiddling with ropes and more time enjoying the outdoors.
  3. Saving the Day: Don’t worry about that worn-out spot in your rope. The Butterfly Knot can isolate the weak section, allowing you to continue using the rope while avoiding the damaged part.
  4. Ultimate Stability: More stable than other midline knots like the Figure 8 and Bowline, the Butterfly Knot holds its own when things get tough. Moreover, the Butterfly Knot uses less rope than similar knots despite its stable structure.


Are there any disadvantages to using the butterfly knot?  

Let’s be honest—no knot is perfect. Even this common knot has some downsides when used: 

  1. Practice Makes Perfect: While our tutorial might make it seem easy to tie the Butterfly Knot, it took us some time to master. Take some free time to practice tying this knot before you hit the outdoors.
  2. All Hands on Deck: For our multitaskers out there—this might not be the knot for you. The Butterfly Knot is extremely difficult to tie with all its required loops with one hand. This is a two-hand operation, so make sure you have all hands available!
  3. Beware the False Knot: Make sure you follow instructions on how to tie the Butterfly Knot. Improper tying can result in a ‘false knot’, meaning it appears secure but isn’t tied correctly. Always double-check your knots, especially if you’re hanging your safety on them.

What's the primary usage of the butterfly knot?  

The Butterfly Knot offers unparalleled versatility for all your outdoor adventures. You’ve probably heard about Butterfly Knots being used in mountain climbing, typically for attaching carabiners to climbing harnesses or allowing hikers to create multiple attachment points along a shared rope. However, the Butterfly Knot is applicable whenever a secure loop is needed in the middle of a rope. 

There you have it—your quick guide to mastering the Butterfly Knot. So, next time you’re packing up for an adventure, remember to throw in some rope and practice those loops. With this versatile knot, you can stay safe and secure while exploring the outdoors. 

BeAlive in 45