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You got invited to be in a book club and now it's your turn to host- don’t worry- it’s not that deep!

Written by Listen Here's The Thing | Jul 23, 2024 7:56:37 PM

You got invited to be in a book club and now it's your turn to host- don’t worry- it’s not that deep! 


Congratulations! You've officially joined the ranks of those who believe in the power of literature, friendship, and a well-timed glass of wine. Or, for some, it’s  a reason to get out of the house and make your husband feed the kids and clean up the kitchen.  


So, you’re hosting this week, before you panic about your not-so-Pinterest-worthy living room or your lack of artisanal cheese board skills, take a deep breath. Here's how to host a book club that everyone can enjoy, whether you actually do talk about the book or not. (Really, who cares?) 


Step 1: Research the Book (ish) 

First things first, you want to be prepared for some discussion about the book.  If it was entertaining or has great discussion topics, ladies will come ready to chat. Look up the title of your chosen book and see if anyone else has hosted a book club for it. The internet is your friend here.  


Reading The Book: Let’s be real, not everyone has the time (nor patience) to sit down and read an entire book in the time slot between book clubs. No shame, I’m the same way. If you find yourself with this problem, Audible is going to be your best friend. Audio books are a great way to stay included in Book Club, while still being able to get shit done. Whether it’s the commute to work, making dinner, choring around the house or taking your dog for a stroll, Audible allows you to listen to your book on the go.  


Preparing Questions: Many book clubs post discussion questions online. These can range from deep and thought-provoking to simple and fun ones. Grab a few that resonate with you. 
Example #1 The Women by Kristin Hannah  

(I don’t love historical fiction, but it led to some amazing conversations with my dad about Vietnam, so highly recommend). Find the book on our Amazon Storefront!  

Example #2- The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Find the book on our
Amazon Storefront!  
  • 7 Husbands Reading Guide  (uses specific page numbers, so be mindful of that if you’re reading a hard cover or using audible) 
Example #3- Hello Beautiful  by Ann Napolitano

(Amazon Storefront!)

Both books have tons of attention online, and you can find some great examples of how other people talked about them in their book clubs. Find the book on our Amazon storefront!  

Hello Beautiful Discussion Questions  
Hello Beautiful Discussion Guide   


Do you need to decorate?  
Playlists: Yes, some overachievers make playlists to accompany their book clubs. It's not necessary, but if you're feeling extra, why not? Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube might even have some pre-made lists you can use. 

Themes: If you're into themes, check for any decoration or snack ideas that match your book's setting or era. Reading a book set in Paris? Put out some French pastries. Reading a book about the 20s? Get some fun fringe for the doorway. Pinterest and Amazon are here to help. 


Step 2: Snacks— Because Who Doesn’t Love a Good Nosh? 

Now, let's talk snacks. This is crucial. You don’t have to have a Michelin star or Martha Stewart’s fine China and decor- your friends are here to hang out with you.  Some will always go above and beyond (it’s in their nature).  Others will run to the store for easy hors d’oeuvres that only require you to rip the cellophane off and plop on the counter.  Either way, everyone is there for friendship, chats, a night out and a cocktail or two.   

You need to get your timing right, if your book club meets after dinner, you can probably get away with light snacks. But if this gathering is doubling as dinner- you'd better have enough to nibble on. Otherwise, the wine will start hitting faster and your husband will be Ubering your friends home. 

Know Your Crowd: If your friends love to munch, make sure there is enough to go around. Finger foods are usually a hit—think cheese, crackers, fruit, veggies, and dips. Something that is easy to put on a small little plate. 

Great examples of the perfect book clubbing snacks can be found at the link below: 

Themed Snacks:
Snack choices are another way to let your knowledge of the book shine. There are all kinds of creative setups you can make to relate to your book (but picking up a party platter from the store works just as well, nobody is going to complain).   

Step 3: Drinks— A Book Club Essential 

What's a book club without drinks? (Hint: It's just a meeting). If your group enjoys a drink, make sure you have a decent variety. Think about what you would want if you were a guest. 


Basic Options: A couple of bottles of wine, maybe a pitcher of a fun cocktail, and some non-alcoholic options should do the trick. Offering a non-alcoholic option is essential; think simple, like sparkling water with a splash of juice. 

Themed Options:
The drinking portion of the night is a great way to incorporate any themes of the book into your meeting. Maybe a certain kind of drink played a role in the novel, or serve something popular from the time period the book is set in. There are so many recipes on Pinterest that are fun cocktails with a literary twist.  




Step 4: Hospitality— It’s the Thought That Counts 

Remember, these are your friends. They’re here for good company, good conversation, and a good book. They're not here to judge your housekeeping skills or to compare your home to a glossy magazine spread. Most women are just happy to be out of the house and away from their responsibilities for a few hours. They're not judging you—they're probably just thrilled to have some adult conversation. If you do have a super judgy "friend”, maybe rethink that invite next time. Seriously, life is too short. (And she’s probably just jealous).  


Picking The Next Book: An Ode to Reese Witherspoon 

Arguably one of the most intimidating parts of hosting Book Club is having to pick the next book. Maybe you’re not a super avid reader outside of Book Club and have no idea where to start. Well, start with the Stars. Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club recommendations have yet to fail me, and Oprah’s Book Club is usually a hit as well. There are tons of lists online with books that are hot and trendy (but don’t forget the classics can be just as hot).  

List Links:  


Final Thoughts 

Hosting a book club should be fun, not stressful. So pick a book, get some snacks, pour some drinks, and enjoy the company. Remember, it's about books and bonding, not about being perfect. So, get out there and host the best damn book club your friends have ever seen. Cheers!